Land/Topographic Surveys

Topographic Survey | Land Survey
We use the latest equipment and software to provide a fast, cost effective field to finish solution!

  Topographic Surveys

We offer Topographic/Land Survey services across the UK.

Our team of surveyors are fully equipped with an inventory of high accuracy surveying instruments. Using our GPS systems, we are able to produce survey drawings to Ordnance Survey Grid & Level Datum.

A topographic survey is an essential piece of information for any new or existing project. It is an accurate representation of an area of interest or site, mapping all natural and manmade features with levels. Shown as 2D or 3D points, all features including existing buildings/structures, land features, physical boundary details, services, tree positions & adjacent highways are presented on a scaled survey drawing. We are able to carry out small scale topographic surveys, such as a single dwelling plot, to large scale topographic surveys such as a proposal for a solar panel farm or drawings of an existing agricultural site. Using reflector-less technology, we can survey ridge and eaves heights of buildings/structures, overlooking windows, tree heights, overhead cables and more. If we can see it, we can survey it! 

We process all site data using our bespoke survey software to produce accurate and informative survey drawings. Survey drawings can be exported in 2D or 3D format and data can be supplied in various formats including .DWG, .DXF & .PDF. Using our laser scan technology, we can also include raw scanned 3D data (point cloud) for issue in formats such as .RCP. 

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